February Update
We really do mean "Welcome" and we're hoping to see some of you come for a visit. As we're preparing to leave our California home of 30 years and move to Chiapas, every day brings a mix of emotions. Some very excited and full of anticipation... others not so much.
Thoughts of being isolated, missing friends and family and all of the uncertainties of moving to a new country often overtake us. One way we encourage ourselves is to remember the many of you who support us and have promised to come down to visit. We are holding you to those promises :-))
Downsizing our professional practices and closing our offices at the end of this month equally brings on emotional swings. But we know that the need here is great and somehow our Lord has seen fit to use us (and YOU) to meet that need. We will have to travel back and forth a few times during this next year as we wind up some business matters, but we are preparing the guest bedroom to be frequently occupied. You've been invited, please come.
Keep us in your prayers as we make these adjustments and manage the emotions, our loss of income, and the logistics of relocating.
God has given us two words of promise: Protection and Provision. He has assured us that He is going before us and is preparing our way (Protection); and He has surrounded us with faithful and generous friends and family who believe in this vision and join with us in this ministry (Provision).
THANK YOU. With your support you are making a difference and having an impact, in our life, and in the lives of the girls who will come here to live, heal and grow.
P.O. BOX 3808. MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3808