The Power of a Simple & Safe Hug

Last July, I (Michael) introduced you to one of our girls, whom I referred to as “Maria.” Those of you who might recall, Maria was 14 years old and had been prostituted by her own mother since the age of 8. Although Maria has adapted well since she was rescued from that abuse and arrived here at Reina’s Hope, she often suffers from recalled memories of those experiences, which cause her something akin to panic attacks.

One such event was recently triggered, and Maria went into a dark and depressed mood. She still struggles with a false sense of self-blame and difficulty comprehending and receiving the healing love of our Lord. Understandably, her history of abuse and abandonment has twisted her sense of self and that of a loving, forgiving Father/God.

Celeste spent a substantial amount of time walking Maria through thisrecent episode and helping her process this distorted lie about herself and her inability to receive God’s love and care for her.  As she processed all of this through many, many tears, she eventually commented on something that blessed me beyond words and gave me an insight into the profound consequences of a simple gesture.

Maria told Celeste that she could begin to acknowledge that the simple and safe hugs that she received from me helped her to understand that not all men are the same; they are not all abusers, as she had experienced and come to believe. We are praying that from this foundation, Maria can also begin to receive the tender care and healing power of her Heavenly Father’s loving hug for her.

We have room for several more “Marias” to experience those healing hugs here at Reina’s Hope. Will you help us expand our reach?


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